USRA Scholarship Awards: Now Accepting Applications

May 22, 2014

We are pleased to announce that applications for the 2014 USRA Scholarship Awards are now being accepted.

These are awards made to undergraduate students who have shown a career interest in science or engineering with an emphasis on space research or space science education. Three Scholarship Awards have been established to honor individuals who have made contributions to science and the US Space Program. A fourth Scholarship Award has been established to broadly support undergraduate science and engineering education. Students will be matched to the scholarship award most appropriate for their area of study.

Up to four Scholarship Awards are available in amounts of $2000 annually. Awards are made to undergraduate students who will be juniors or seniors in the fall. Awards are for one year only,but recipients may re-apply for a second year. All scholarship awards will be paid directly to the recipients.

Additional information and online application are available at

Applications for Fall 2014 Awards will be accepted up until Aug 1, 2014.