Astrophysics and Space Science Theory Group (ASSTG)
Members within the Astrophysics and Space Science Theory Group (ASSTG) conduct research in a variety of areas related to complex plasmas, planet formation, and dust mitigation for lunar missions.
Areas of Interest
Group Members
Professor of Physics Director of CASPER
Professor of Physics Chair of the Department of Physics
Professor of Physics Chair of the Department of Physics
Relativistic Astrophysics
Gravity, Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics Division (GCAP) conducts research in classical and quantum theories of gravity, and their applications to astrophysics and cosmology. Currently research topics include gravitational wave astronomy, black hole physics, quantum cosmology and the very early universe, and the nature and origins of dark matter and dark energy.
Areas of Interest
- Gravitational wave astronomy
- Black hole physics
Group Faculty Members
Professor of Physics
Professor of Mathematics
Professor of Mathematics
Professor of Mathematics
Lecturer of Physics